This era, BLUE enjoyed time back on the main island after last era, when HELL temporarily resided there. We did damn fine too and reached a top rank of 10! had several very notable players that were a part of our alliance this era. Here they are:
-2012 (Member for 3 eras)
-Deki (Member for 2 eras)
-Chosen (Member for 2 eras)
-But I Want Ice Cream (Member for 3 eras)
-ULTIMATEDOOM WATCHIN (Member for 2 eras)
We hope everyone on the F3 server had a great summer of epic garrison battles, Relic battles, and territorial battles! As this summer comes to a close, BLUE opens its doors to even more new members this fall.
Many members from last era have already reserved a spot for this upcoming era so those outside the alliance who reserved last era should redeem their special holding place and build their colony
ON BLUE'S ISLAND which is shown on the OP.
Interesting facts about BLUE this era:
- The HELL alliance (which we shared the island with for a time) attacked BLUE repeatedly roughly 3 times (even after a treaty, some of their members attacked) and BLUE had to relocate them off of the island. We hope no hard feelings were left.
- BLUE expanded further south with sectors than any other time BLUE has been an alliance. (We build towers and gates so we can watch the action around us. Hey, don't want to be totally blind. Keep in mind we've never attacked anyone without warrant)
- BLUE went without a large dragon hive this era.
Here's to another great era!