All the Seven Kingdoms guardians were concerned about the threat that rises from out-kingdom Northern wilderness beyond the Wall.
A small patrol of Rangers from the Night's Watch encounter the Others, an ancient and evil race of beings thought to be long extinct and mythological. All the Rangers were killed except a single survivor.
Facing such a menace, a team of "best of the best" lead a massive ranging north of the Wall, as to investigate the disappearance of many wildlings and the dark rumors circling the King-Beyond-the-Wall.
On their road this legendary team clashed with smaller or bigger packs of Free Folks, until they reached the heart of King-Beyond-the-Wall - NUKE.
After several small battles and skirmishes, Khal Drogo pushed his packs of Dothraki warriors right in the middle of enemy.
They were attacked from all directions, but they managed to heroically survive, with aid from other teammates.
In order to ease the pressure, Petyr Baelish put to action his network of spies in the northern flank of the enemy to break their communication network.
While resisting and advancing into enemy teritorry, a cowardly attack took place behind the frontlines - ANYM. Tyrion quickly deployed his most brutal and effective warriors: Grey Wind and Jaqen Hghar to crash this devious attempt, which they did in a quick and decisive manner.
Meanwhile, Tyrion Lannister, a well known strategist, prepared a ambush for these Godless wildlings, attracting them into a certain point.
When the time was right, a group led by Tyrion himself hit fast and hard the enemy in a epic battle where the main army of King-Beyond-the-Wall (NUKE) was simply destroyed.
Seven Kingdoms army also suffered important losses, but these ferocious soldiers pushed forward without regard to the injuries sustained and finished the remaining of the defeated army.
Soon, the King-Beyond-the-Wall dropped his flag and now Tyrion's heroes will bring peace to Northern wilderness beyond the Wall, crushing every possible attempt to revolt."
..... Stay tuned for more...