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Post subject: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:07 am |
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Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:51 am Posts: 8 Gender: male
Here we go... somthing that has been discussed over and over again.
Science vs Religion.
I have no religion. I do believe in a god but do not affilate myself with any modern religion. Science basically tells us God cannot exist and science can explain everything. I like Science alot but i like my belief too. I believe in a God because i don't think we were born to live our lives and die then rot in the ground. To me that make sme think life should have never happened. I like to think that we are here for somthign for a reason. Well i am sure somone will storm into this topic and challeneg my views ( most likley ducky) and bash them till it looks like i am completely wrong. Sicenece explain alot fo thigns but not everything. There is some things that i can sya that sciene can't prove but some people don't believe in the idea ( ghosts and stuff you know) But what do you think? I would liek to tink we have a purpose other than to live, die then rot in the ground. So what do you think?
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:12 am |
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:06 pm Posts: 781 Gender: male
jake4426 wrote: Here we go... somthing that has been discussed over and over again. Science vs Religion. tsk tsk tsk, you shouldnt make them mutually exclusive. 40% of scientists believe in a higher being, to stigmatize either is to induce hate and division. let them complement and add to each other rather then cut and take away.I have no religion. I do believe in a god but do not affilate myself with any modern religion. the word you are looking for is agnostic?Science basically tells us God cannot exist and science can explain everything. you contradict this point in less then 7 sentences :3I like Science alot but i like my belief too. I believe in a God because i don't think we were born to live our lives and die then rot in the ground. To me that make sme think life should have never happened. I like to think that we are here for somthign for a reason. that isnt very science-y
besides, i want to be cremated, i dont want maggots using me as a supermarket Well i am sure somone will storm into this topic and challeneg my views ( most likley ducky) HOORAH FOR ME!and bash them till it looks like i am completely wrong. i prefer the term "challenge"Sicenece explain alot fo thigns but not everything. There is some things that i can sya that sciene can't prove but some people don't believe in the idea ( ghosts and stuff you know) what you are stating is "god of the gaps" its actually quite a negative term saying that god used to encompass everything but with information and intelligence god's domain gets smaller and smaller. ie, the sun rises and sets. a god gets resurrected and killed in a daily manner. science later explains that it is earth's rotation. eventually gods domain would probably be what is behind a singularity in the 15th dimension?
as for ghosts and things, some people believe in the toothfairy and santa. doesnt give them legitimate weight.
But what do you think? I would liek to tink we have a purpose other than to live, die then rot in the ground. So what do you think? no purpose, there is no after life, if you want to try and imagine what it is like when you die, think back to before you were born, imagine what that was like, that is death. stardust to stardust my good friend. we began as amino acids and proteins and atoms and elements, and we will decompose into acids and proteins eventually becoming atoms and elements once more.IMHO religion is mythology. what is the difference between modern Islam and modern Christianity to ancient greek mythology or ancient egyptian mythology? they all have a god prodding around our lives, they all have rewards and punishments, they all suggest morals to live by and in most cases their is some kind of ressurection involved. in short, we are all atheists, i just believe in one less god then you.
-~~Retired Spammer~~-
~Agnostic atheist pastafarian~
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:46 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:46 pm Posts: 21 Gender: male
I dont believe in any religion
"god to humans is like a human to ants,I sit out there watching a colony, trying to see which are good,which are bad, but I cant tell,so I smite them all, spray them with a hose,run them over with the lawn mower,and beat them with a shovel,they could've been praying to me and I would'nt of even known"
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:27 am |
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 8:06 pm Posts: 781 Gender: male
bakersatan666 wrote: I dont believe in any religion
"god to humans is like a human to ants,I sit out there watching a colony, trying to see which are good,which are bad, but I cant tell,so I smite them all, spray them with a hose,run them over with the lawn mower,and beat them with a shovel,they could've been praying to me and I would'nt of even known" after you spray them with a hose gun you need to modify physics so the remaining ants can enjoy rainbows
-~~Retired Spammer~~-
~Agnostic atheist pastafarian~
Discussion+debates and World Events.
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:49 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:46 pm Posts: 21 Gender: male
mrducky wrote: bakersatan666 wrote: I dont believe in any religion
"god to humans is like a human to ants,I sit out there watching a colony, trying to see which are good,which are bad, but I cant tell,so I smite them all, spray them with a hose,run them over with the lawn mower,and beat them with a shovel,they could've been praying to me and I would'nt of even known" after you spray them with a hose gun you need to modify physics so the remaining ants can enjoy rainbows lol
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:00 am |
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:36 pm Posts: 127 Gender: male
God another one of these.
I think the religious need to find a common ground between what they call
faith, and what I call hope. They say they have faith a higher being exists,
I say they're hoping a higher being exists. If a higher being exists they can
be free of thought and responsibility.
Id Est: God wills it.
I don't understand why its so hard to believe that all life is simply a
sequence of chemical reactions created by millions of years of 1 in a billion
chances. In the eyes of the universe those are good odds.
Unlike many I don't think there is a purpose in our existence. Many Darwin
lovers think our existence is merely for the purpose of pro-creation.
However I think it just turned out that way, whatever creature pro created
more was the more likely to survive and dominate, so it only makes sense
that a creature with an evolved purpose for procreation would become the
dominate. (redundant) I think our existence is as significant or planned as
water turning to snow, or hydrogen to fire.
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:05 am |
Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:25 am Posts: 971 Gender: male
i do not believe there is a " god " or anything someone wrote a book and everyone took it to seriously is my opinion ... it is the modern day equivelant to lets say - harry potter - imagine if some fanatics took it to heart and made a religion out of it ... they would be labelled a " cult " , which is pretty much how i view all religions in the bible i cant find the passage but it says something about taking the horn of the unicorn and doing something or other, so if you dont believe in unicorns your not a christian , and if you do believe in unicorns ur a moron coz they are a mythical creature just like this so called " god " ducky as for when i die i signed myself up as a donor at the RTA when i got my L's like 2 months ago hehehe , and i am not sure if i want to be buried so bugs can eat me or be cremated and thrown into the ocean so fish can eat me either way i want to be eaten when i die so life can live on and i know i helped LOL
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:43 am |
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:36 pm Posts: 127 Gender: male
I want to be cremated and thrown into a strong northern wind.
Im writing that sh*t in my will.
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:51 pm |
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 8:55 pm Posts: 176 Location: Watching You. Gender: male
chad don't call anyone a moron, you look like a bigger one yourself.
Can you prove god exist? can you prove he doesn't exist?
The answer to both questions is no.
End of discussion.
_________________ -rotag
white lady says:Obama said "I'm going to turn this country into a Marxism country". Its a reliable source, some guy with a pointy white mask gave it to me.
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Post subject: Re: Real or just Mythology? (Religion) Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:57 pm |
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:07 am Posts: 2021 Location: TC ,Michigan Gender: male
i am a christian but i also enjoy science jake4426 wrote: Science basically tells us God cannot exist and science can explain everything this is not true science tells us how the universe works not that god couldn't have caused it and science has yet to get solid evidence of what was just prior to the big bang and probably never will so the true origin of everything may never be known to humans chad_j93 wrote: in the bible i cant find the passage but it says something about taking the horn of the unicorn and doing something or other, so if you dont believe in unicorns your not a christian also incorrect i don't believe in unicorns and i'm christian most parts of the bible shouldn't be read literally but to look for the under lying message as most religious texts should be because religions focus on signs or symbols so when book is made based on those symbols and other events concerning god it in its self is a a symbol
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Last edited by bork9128 on Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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