It is the most important issue to deal with anything.
If you do not have truth you have lies or misconceptions.
How can anyone achieve there potential on such a false basis?
But lies and misconceptions is the reality of our world.
Governments and powers lie,and other moral atrocities.
The truth can be stranger than fiction.
Dark as night.
And frighting as hell.
We are the mind of the mob.
Comfortable in our ignorance , and blind to facts.
Believing the propaganda machine.
Would you put your life on the line for your morals?
Would you die for justice?
Odds are against it.
Why are you not fighting now when its easy to find atrocity in our modern world?
We believe the lie cause we fear.
Fear is a weapon.
There is a war going on.
The fact that you are not aware you are a part of it is reason to doubt you will win it. ... ture=share