I think I found this a bit late.Also this incident will create a debate on the use of Short-Pitch balls and the effectiveness of helmet. And do the helmets need a change??
socialmisfit1 wrote:
Margret mother of three from liverpool died last week
let's make a thread about her
RIP margret
do u see what I'm getting at?
We must learn to accept death as a non-reversible and necessary part of life.
People die everyday, its true that we care only for those who we knew.
And anyways, scientists have proved that all that we see, hear or feel today is just ILLUSION.
Tortured Zealot wrote:
Australian Cricket player, got hit in the side of the head by a cricket ball while playing 2 days ago, the helmet didn't protect him. He died around 6 hours ago.. Only 25
Zealot please find the average age of humans in World, then you may feel that no. is not very far form where Phil Hughes died.