My name is 802 and I have started a new alliance in Fantasy 1 for the new era. The alliance is called The Black Cats and it's tag is 555. I have been in a couple of alliances and they are helpful but I often find that the admin of those alliance are not on as often as I am and they tie your hands behind your back by making soooo many deals that you never know who to attack or not too.
I am a daily player and log on several times a day. I will form clear directives and battle plans to help form a solid strategy to make the alliance as strong as possible.
I will honor truces that we do make and will be fair and direct. My goal is to claim as much land, bases and outposts as possible, protect the alliance and grow.
If you feel you would like to join me on this quest, please message me and we can discuss it.
Thanks, 802