I have learned that from my two favourite Mentors and still a lot to learn from both of them because I like them both: Rania and Ignite
If you have mixed chassis and you all go for an attack the other team will destroy you if they are all one chassis, you will easy XP.
For squads I will set up a structure for you based on the chassis being used: For infantry you need to set up squads like this; 10 concussive armour units and 20 range units of either concussive, beam or explosive depending on what anit you are gonna do for tha squad. Never use anything but concussive armor as concussive units are the last to be attacked.
For vehicles you use the same thing but with 5 armour and 10 range.
and for mechs you use 3 armour to 7 range.
Make sure to have concussive armour only
Why Concussive ?:
Because concussive is the last kind of unit that will be attacked.
Explosive units die firs, then beam, then concussive so you will always last longer if your armours are concussive.
What do I name my squads ?:
AV for Anti Vehicles, AI for Anti Infantry, AT for Anti Tank
In those squads will be the corresponding anti-whatever in range units but the armour will be concussive.
Never mix your chassis because lets say you have inf anti vech, vech anti mechand mech anti inf. Someone using inf with propperly set up squads anti everything eventualy spread will kill whatever yousend at him as he will be built strongly you wont be.
That is an even battle yet the proper build wins:
Wow, but there are mechs:The only way to win with that kind of build is through superior amount of forces which still means you take massive losses anyway as you have a sh*t build XD